mrz’s blog
530 miles later...
Monday, July 7, 2008
Back in Richmond for a few more days before moving even further south to Greenville, SC, and the start of a new job with GE Energy. These last few days promise to be full of excitement as everything
Anticipation builds...
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
In less than nine hours, I will be starting on the longest bike journey of my life - Richmond, VA, to Boston, MA. While I know plenty of people who have done longer rides, such as the guy from MIT
Buying a 汽车 (ie, car!)
Friday, June 6, 2008
When you come back to your home country after three-quarters of a year abroad, you quickly find that you need some things which weren’t so important while living abroad. The biggest one usually is
Back in the US of A
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Writing this article from the suburbs of Chicago where I am now staying with my aunt, uncle, and two young cousins. Yesterday I returned to US soil after enduring a twenty hour flight that saw the
The Ups and Downs of April
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Tomorrow begins the one month countdown to my return to the US from China. As the clock starts to count down and I start to do all those things that I have not yet had time for in Beijing and China,
Welcome to my latest venture on the Internet, a blog of my activities and adventures around the world. Feel free to email me with questions and comments at
matthew <dot> zedler <at> gmail <dot> com.
Pony Pasture rapids (Richmond, VA)